
360° Image Slider plugin v2.5.2



    Since taking over this plugin, not only have we rewritten large chuncks to make this application quicker and more efficient, but we've also improved the responsive and fullscreen elements. Other features have also been added and we have more in the pipeline. Be sure to keep an eye on our development branch for a taste of things to come.


    360 degrees

    Provides you with the ability to view something a full 360 degrees.



    Fullscreen with aspect-ratio in mind and all in one click.



    Fully responsive with any size parent and always with correct aspect-ratio.


    Touch Enabled

    Touch Enabled straight out of the box.



    Position your navigation bar in one of the corners or top or bottom center.


    Custom Controls

    With our really easy to use api you can make your own custom controls.

    Default Configuration

    The ThreeSixty-Slider is extremely easy to set up. Just insert the HTML snippet below into your page with the correct path to your threesixty css and javaScript files. Change "your-class-name" to the classname you wish to use.

    Then add the javaScript example shown to your page just before the closing body tag or to a seperate javaScript file. Replace "your-class-name" with the classname you chose and change "your_variable" to your own choice. You can later use this variable to create custom navigation. Fill in the options according to your needs.

    <link href="path-to-threesixty.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="path-to-threesixty.min.js" type="text/javaScript"><script>
    <div class="threesixty your-class-name">
        <div class="spinner">
        <ol class="threesixty_images"></ol>
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var your_variable = $('.your-class-name').ThreeSixty({
            totalFrames: 52, // total Integer of images
            endFrame: 30, // the end frame of auto spin animation, making the next image the one that starts
            currentFrame: 1, // the start frame of autospin
            imgList: '.threesixty_images', // selector for image list
            progress: '.spinner', // selector to show the loading progress
            imagePath:'assets/car/', // path to images
            filePrefix: '', // file prefix if any
            ext: '.png', // image extension
            height: 447,
            width: 1000,
            disableSpin: false, // to disable auto spin animation
            zeroPadding: false, // if your image files are zero padded
            navigation: true, // default navigation bar
            position: 'bottom-center' // positioning for your navigation

    Extended Configuration

    Below is the full list of configuration values that you can pass in when you initialise 360 slider. This includes some of the features mentioned before. The other features are added by default. Beware that some of the features will reduce the browser compatibility of 360 slider. Click on the browser icons in the main menu for information.

    # Config Default value Type Description
    1 totalFrames 180 Integer Set total number of frames used in the 360 rotation
    2 currentFrame 1 Integer Set the starting point of the auto spin on initilise
    3 endFrame 180 Integer Set the frame where you want the auto spin to stop
    4 framerate 60 Integer Framerate for the spin animation
    6 filePrefix '' String File prefix for your images. If your file's name is foo-bar-001.png then filePrefix will be foo-bar-
    7 ext png String File extension of your images
    8 height 300 Integer Height of your images
    9 width 300 Integer Width of your images
    10 style {} Object Object container styles for the preloader similar to jQuery.css({})
    11 navigation true Boolean Set false if you don't want default navigation controls
    12 position top-right String Sets the position of the navigation bar within the slider.
    Choice of 'top-left', 'top-center,' 'top-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-center', 'bottom-right'
    13 autoplayDirection 1 Integer Control the direction of the spin dependent on your images. You can use 1 or -1
    14 drag true Boolean Set false if you want to disable mouse and touch events on the slider
    15 disableSpin false Boolean Will disable the initial spin on load
    16 zeroPadding false Boolean Set true if your numbering is 0 padded to the same character length
    17 responsive false Boolean Enables full aspect-ratio responsiveness
    18 fullscreen false Boolean Set true to add a fullscreen icon to the navigation bar when clicked will put your slider in fullscreen
    19 fSBackgroundColor white String Sets the fullscreen background color
    20 onReady function() {} Function Callback triggers once all images are loaded and ready to render on the screen
    21 playSpeed 100 Integer Value to control the speed (in milliseconds) of play button rotation
    22 zeroBased false Boolean Zero based for image filenames starting at 0

    Custom Controls

    To use custom navigation put navigation: false, in your 360 options. You can then use the variable you used in the 360 initialisation to trigger the navigation commands via whichever link or button you choose. Just look at the basic example shown below.

      $(document).ready(function() {
          var armani = $('.armani').ThreeSixty({
              totalFrames: 12,
              endFrame: 12,
              currentFrame: 1,
              imgList: '.threesixty_images',
              progress: '.spinner',
              filePrefix: 'armani-bag-large-01-',
              ext: '.jpg',
              width: 1000,
              height: 1009,
              navigation: false,
              fullscreen: true,
              responsive: true,
              disableSpin: false,
              zeroPadding: true
          $('.custom-play').on('click touch', function() {
          $('.custom-stop').on('click touch', function() {
          $('.custom-next').on('click touch', function() {
          $('.custom-back').on('click touch', function() {
          $('.custom-fullscreen').on('click touch', function() {

      Loading with Ajax

      This is quite simple to do and there are various methods in which you can carry this proceess out. I've opted to show the simplest method possible using jQuery.

      Put the normal html snippet in a seperate html page with the correct class alongside your threesixty class. Put your javaScript 360 slider initialization in a function with your options set, and then just call the function at the end of your ajax function.

      Seperate HTML file
      <div class="threesixty snow">
          <div class="spinner"></div>
          <ol class="threesixty_images"></ol>
      JavaScript Function
      function threeSixtyCall() {
          var snowfall = $('.snow').ThreeSixty({
              totalFrames: 46,
              endFrame: 46,
              currentFrame: 1,
              imgList: '.threesixty_images',
              progress: '.anigif',
              imagePath: 'assets/snow-2017/',
              filePrefix: 'SNOW-2017-',
              ext: '.png',
              width: 3600,
              height: 1800,
              navigation: true,
              position: 'bottom-center',
              fullscreen: true,
              responsive: true,
              disableSpin: false,
              autoplayDirection: -1,
              zeroPadding: true
      JavaScript Ajax Call
      $(document).on('click', 'a.ajaxSnow', function() {
              method: 'GET',
              url: 'snow.html',
              dataType: 'html',
              success: function(data) {
                  $('.overlay').fadeIn('slow', function() {
              complete: function() {

      More Examples

      Below are a few examples I've prepared to show what can be done. These are all from Gold Medal runs from the Minneapolis X Games 2017 and were produced using FFMpeg. All of these are loaded via ajax so first is the link to the 360 slider and following that is the link to the video clip it was taken from. Just click on the images to view.

      These examples were carried out in a different method as there are multiples of more or less the same process, so a short name was used to identify each item and stored in a data attribute on each image link along with the image amount in another. This identity name was used for the directory name, file prefix and element class making it simple to use as a variable to bring 5 initialization calls and 5 on clicks down to 1 function.

      Trick from BMX Dirt Gold Medal run.

      Time: 00:18 - 00:21 - 44 images

      Trick from BMX Vert Gold Medal run.

      Time: 00:10 - 00:13 - 50 images

      Trick from Moto X Freestyle Gold Medal run.

      Time: 00:39 - 00:45 - 106 images

      Trick from Skateboard Street Gold Medal run.

      Time: 00:39 - 00:45 - 66 images

      Trick from Skateboard Vert Gold Medal run.

      Time: 00:24 - 00:27 - 47 images